Rapid Relief Responders
Before considering helping those in the community, please review the current City of Los Angeles COVID19 orders: https://www.lamayor.org/COVID19Orders
General COVID19 Volunteer Guidelines According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC):
• Some symptoms to recognize 2-14 days after exposure to COVID-19: Fever, Cough, Shortness of breath
• When does it become an emergency? If showing any of the below symptoms, get medical treatment immediately: Trouble breathing, Bluish lips, Persistent pain or pressure in chest
Dos and Don’ts.
• Do: Wash hands, Avoid touching eyes, nose, and mouth, Cover sneezes, Keep social distance
• Don’t: Greet with handshakes, high-fives, hugs, or other physical contact; Participate in social gatherings; Go to work with flu-like symptoms. Instead, quarantine or get medical treatment if symptoms worsen
• How am I feeling? If you have a cough or a fever, please don’t interact with others. It’s not only for your safety, but for the safety of others. Please take proper action such as self-quarantine, or if symptoms worsen, please seek medical attention.
• Travel: If you have traveled outside of California in the past 14 days, please refrain from volunteering and consider your interactions with others.
We’re so glad that you want to be a responder in this way. We just need a little information from you. So please fill out this form.
If you’re not quite ready to join us this way, but would still like to know some of the needs are out there, please check out our Facebook Community group! Needs or projects are posted for members to respond with action. This group provides a secondary source of immediate response. Click here.
Ways to Help Chinatown During COVID-19
Good Shepherd Center is now accepting donation directly for their homeless shelter. The mission of Good Shepherd Center for Homeless Women and Children is to empower women and their children to move from homelessness to self-sufficiency, through housing, employment, and support services offered with dignity and love. For more information, please visit gschomeless.org.
Hygiene Products (shampoo, conditioner, body wash, hand soap, deodorant) / Cleaning Supplies (disinfectant sprays, laundry detergent, dish soap) / Toilet Paper / Paper Towels / New Underwear / New Socks / Canned Goods / 2x-5x Plus Size Clothing
Contact: Laura Hernandez, Project Manager of GSC.
Email: LHernandez@gschomeless.org.
Please call (213) 235-1461 for their special office hours.
Supporting our local frontline workers at local temporary homeless shelters by “Project Roomkey”. Other sites are being explored as possible recipients.
You Can Help!
Contribute financially toward box lunches that are being purchased twice a week from local small businesses (like our beloved Jade Wok!) There are 35 workers to feed and each box lunch is ~$10.
• Check memo: “ES Evangelism/FFL”
• Online: Sub-fund > “Community Outreach – Feeding the Frontline (FFL)”
Join our delivery team. Simply choose a day to pick-up and deliver the order. Please consider signing up with your small group, Sunday school class, family, friends, etc.
Sign up at: fcbc.la/feedingthefrontline
Other ways include notes of encouragement, small care packages, or homemade baked goods! Contactless pick-up is available for any notes or goods.
Our hope is to be a blessing in a tangible way to those in our community! Also, please be praying for our Chinatown neighbors and those who are serving them. May we love our neighbors as ourselves!
Contact any of the following people with any questions:
- Casey Young (caseyyoung@fcbc.org)
- Darren Lo (darrenlo@fcbc.org)
- Christiana Wong (christianaw@gmail.com)
Completed Projects
We delivered masks and snack basket to show our care and love to the healthcare worker and security guards on 4/16
Ongoing intercessors—praying for more open doors.
Purchased grocery gift cards to encourage those who lost their job but do not need immediate financial help
Ongoing intercessors—pray for small businesses.
We have made 4750 cloth masks to distribute to FCBC members, community, hospice center, and urgent care center.
Ongoing intercessors—pray for those who will use these masks.
To show support and appreciation to our healthcare workers, we have donated 300 cloth masks to them.
Ongoing intercessors—pray for the safety of our frontline workers.
We give thanks for 23 weeks of offering food pantries to our local community and beyond! Over 1700 bags of groceries, school supplies, and children’s toys, crafts, and games were distributed to residents and workers in Chinatown, participants of the Lincoln Heights Tutorial Program, and neighbors of LA City Baptist Church. We are grateful for all the volunteers and donations!
Gave Food-for-Less gift cards to the 40 workers who have been laid off. Give gift bags (face masks & toilet papers) to the 40 workers who remain working.
Ongoing intercessors—pray for employees who are encouraged by our gifts.
Assembled 1,000 care packages with cloth masks, disposable masks, and toilet paper along with church information and tracts. We want to show care to our Chinatown community and familiarize them with our church in hopes this will open doors for future gospel work.
Ongoing intercessors—pray that we can reach community of Chinatown.
Mail out 1,000 $10 coupons to local residents to encourage them to eat at designated restaurants. Restaurants will bring the coupons to our church for reimbursement.
Ongoing intercessors—pray for the restaurant owners and those who use the coupon.
Ongoing Programs
Face Masks to
FCBCLA Members
Gifting face masks to FCBCLA members from existing supply of sewn and washable face masks
Project Contact:
Abraham Lee, Wayne Chi
Face Masks to
Allied Health Staff
Gifting face masks to employees
using existing supply of sewn and washable face masks
Project Contact:
Candace Chan
Face Masks to
Huntington Memorial Hospital
Donate 300 cloth masks
Ways to Help:
Cut fabric
Deliverers to hospital
Project Contact:
Candace Chan
Ways to Help in Your Community
Donate Blood at Your Local Red Cross Center
There is a significant blood shortage during this pandemic time. Find your local Red Cross Center and donate.
Supporting Local Restaurants
Shop and order food from the local businesses in your community.