How is God calling you to pray for the nations?
- Pray for the unreached peoples of Thailand, that they would experience the peace of Christ in their hearts. Pray for a spiritual breakthrough, that the Thai Church would continue to grow in community, love, and witness.
- Pray for those in positions of power, and peaceful cooperation among those making national and international decisions.
- Pray for those affected by the recent coronavirus surge, especially in areas and workplaces with more clusters of people.
As Scripture says, “Anyone who believes in him will never be put to shame.” -Romans 10:11
Aaron Fung
am actively seeking out those that God has called to serve in missions. My goal is to help people discern if God is calling them to the mission field and help them get there. Additionally, I'm looking for ways in which my organization, RCE International, can support those on the mission field through training and the development of other partnerships.
Alisa Wong
Sharing Christ with university students through English language teaching at The Centre in Chiang Mai, Thailand
Antonia Hwang
Mobilizing Chinese churches for cross-cultural missions with AIM.
Buzz & Ruthi Curtis
Buzz and Ruthi have been OMF missionaries to the Thai people since 1980. They are currently ministering among the Thai people in Southern California, with the goal to raise up mature Thai believers for further ministry in the Thai diaspora church. They are involved in preaching, teaching and visitation ministry. They also assist and encourage pastors in regular training meetings. Their passion is to raise awareness in Thai and American churches about the needs to serve God in Thailand.
Calvin & Erika Ma
The first missionaries sent by FCBC LA, first to West Africa in the 1980s and currently at SIM USA headquarters.
David & Louise Chu
Discipling believers and evangelizing in Hong Kong with Youth for Christ (HK) Ltd.
D & R*
Making disciples in Asia.
Joseph & Winnie Sze
Pastoring, discipling, and training churches in Brazil.
Making disciples in Asia.
Jon Liu
As the AACF Director, he has the privilege of shepherding 15 AACF chapters across the West Coast. This includes over 500 college students and a total of 20 volunteer and employed staff. The vision of AACF is to develop young adults into Christian leaders on the campus, in their communities, in the workplace, and in world missions. Jon’s role in the organization is to grow the reach and impact of AACF. He is developing infrastructure to advance and support gospel efforts to college students and their communities. And he also gets to minister to students. Jon has been blessed to participate in launching AACF chapters at USC and CSUN. These budding chapters are proclaiming the life-changing message of Jesus on their campuses.
Jo Woo
Establishing a church plant with NAMB and reaching out to non-believers of the Rancho Cucamonga area. Making disciples, edifying believers, and training future leaders. Building family groups to impact marriage and parenting.
Joyce & Uno
Graduating from UCLA, Joyce answered the Lord’s call to full-time ministry and has since served in campus ministry and leadership development in several Asian contexts. Upon graduating with a degree in medicine, Uno was convicted about God’s love through the Beatitudes and answered the Lord’s call to full-time ministry. He has since served in campus ministry, most recently as the team leader of a medical team.
Coaching teams in the US preparing for international missions.
Serving internationally in humanitarian relief and development contexts, particularly with refugee communities. She has served in Africa, the Middle East, and South Asia
Peter & Lillian
Bible professors and indigenous church planting mentors at Bethel Bible Institute in Chiang Rai, Thailand.
Philip Manly (retired)
Hospital chaplain for USC’s health care system for over 40 years. Training chaplains through Hospital Chaplains Ministry Association (HCMA).
The Brooks
A congregation in Downtown LA focused on bringing people into the fellowship of God's family, building them up to Christ-like maturity, training them for their ministry in the local church, and sending them out to share the Good News all for the global glory of God. One of our goals is to see a “set free church” move into DTLA to provide a church that meets the needs of this community, providing them a hand up and not just a hand out—helping them find their purpose in life.
Making disciples in Asia.
providing crisis care to missionaries globally.
*Due to the sensitive climate in countries our fieldworkers operate in, names and photos have been omitted for the protection of their safety and the gospel work being done.
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The Brooks
Serve the homeless community with The Brooks in Downtown LA
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The Missionary Call: Find Your Place in God’s Plan for the World by M. David Sills
A Muslim and a Christian in Dialogue by David W. Shenk & Badru D. Kateregga
Christian. Muslim. Friend: Twelve Paths to Real Relationship by David W. Shenk
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