1.04.2020 | NEWS & UPDATES | HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!
Join Me in 2020 New Year Goals!! I’m not great at keeping one-year resolutions but recently I came across an article about setting short-term goals that one can accomplish within the month. This inspired me to create some goals for this 2020. Join me in making and keeping resolutions! Each month I’ll post an individual goal that we can do together as a community.
**JANUARY: Donate two (2) 50-gallon bags of clothes to Goodwill, Salvation Army, etc. That’s it. Anything beyond this is even better. And you have the entire month to complete it. Let’s do this! — JohnC
The Gift of Love. Yeah, you can spend Valentine’s weekend doing what everyone else is doing—buying overpriced flowers, dinner at a crowded restaurant, proposing marriage (That’ll be unique—not!). Or, you can spend it giving a family in need the gift of a house! Now this is love! Join us for Amor. Imagine being that couple who spent their Valentines serving others. #points #celebs
**Trip 1: Feb 14-17. Sign up at fcbc.la/AMOR_Feb2020.
**Trip 2: Mar 21-24. Join at fcbc.la/AMOR_Mar2020.
Young Adulting Series. This year, we’re launching a series of talks to help us get into young adulting. The ages of 22-35 are difficult and challenging but we’re here to help you navigate them with biblical principles, personal insights and practical advice.
**Seminar+Lunch | Sun, 2/23, 12:15-2:00 pm, Praise Center. $5 with RSVP. $10 without. Sign up at fcbc.la/ESYoungAdultingLunch.
**Topic: Work, presented by Daniel Spickard.
Kenya Mission with E3 Ministries. If you need to be encouraged by experiencing the power of the Spirit, you should join this Kenya mission trip. Witness how responsive people are to the gospel of Jesus. Be part of His work! Travel is Jul 22-Aug 2, 2020 (TBC). Deadline to join is Feb 29, 2020. (Valid passport required for travel.) If you have any questions or want prayer for this, please contact Ps. JohnC.
Save the Date for the 2020 Young Adult Retreat: Fri-Sun, 5/29-31. That’s right! After a year off, our retreat is returning. Pencil in that date or enter it into your phone. Want to help? Contact Ramon H. Stay tuned for more details.
You Need a Small Group. Join a Communion Life Group! We meet every other week in the intimate setting of personal homes. Get more details at our Communion Life Group page. Get a life…group!
9.18.2019 | news and updates
*this page needs some serious updating.
*all the other pages describing our young adult ministry are current. check those out.
1.17.2019 | news and updates
*tonight, 1/17, is home prayer gathering (thursday) at matt & leti’s place. 7:45-9:15pm (no dinner; shoes off home). join us for prayer! message john for address.
**tonight, 1/17, perspectives at fcbcla. h/truth, 205. 6:30pm (dinner provided). free class. find a fresh perspective on your role in God’s unfolding story. tinyurl.com/perspectiveschinatown
*this sun, 1/20, is the last day to register for the feb 15-18 amor trip (#1). late fees apply. build walls…for homes…paid for with love. [mar 23-26 amor trip]
1.06.2019 | news and updates
a few reminders for our young adult community:
*this sun, 1/13: ya sunday assembly (no regular classes); 9:00-10:00am, life center 305-306. breakfast provided. discover what’s available for you to grow your faith, and find out about upcoming events.
*this 3rd week of the month, we begin home prayer gatherings at various homes. choose one that works for you!
= Tue, 1/15: westside at danny & audrey’s
= Wed, 1/16: mpk at gerry & suzie’s
= Thu, 1/17: s. pas at matt & leti’s
(see church bulletin for additional locations. pm john for addresses.) no espm at church this wed. join others in the h/truth mpr.
*perspectives launched last night like a spaceX rocket —BOOM! another free class (and dinner) offered this thur, 1/17. more info during our assembly.
have a great weekend!
12.16.2018 | news and updates
*This Wed, 12/19, it’s back! Home Prayer Gathering at Gerry & Suzie Gee’s. 7pm: light dinner, 7:45-9:15pm: powerful prayer. PM for address.
*Sun, 12/23 Christmas Sunday!
-No YA Sunday Classes scheduled
-10-10:45am, Refreshments in the MPB/Gym
-10:45am, Worship!
*Enroll in Perspectives! Discover what God has in store for you! tinyurl.com/perspectiveschinatown
*Sign up for Amor Housebuilding Trips!
-Trippy 1 in Feb: https://tinyurl.com/FCBC-Amor2019-Feb
-Trippy 2 in Mar: https://tinyurl.com/FCBC-Amor2019-Mar.
10.04.2018 | news and updates
communion life groups begin the week of october 7! if you’re new to fcbcla or a regular attendee, you’re welcome to join us for a great place to grow in faith—in Christ-centered community! We have a number of locations for communion life groups, so connect with the one that works for you. for details visit our communion life group page.
check out our calendar for other young adult events and community groups.
8.29.2018 | news and updates
no ya.sunday classes on 8/26 and 9/2
there are no young adult sunday classes scheduled on these two sundays. have breakfast with others then come to worship.
ya.sunday assembly | sun, 9/9, 9:00am; life center 305-306
join us this morning for a light breakfast and to be informed about the class offerings for the year. please note that classes begin the week after (9/16) and there is no class surfing before making a selection. all classes offered by adult sunday school are open to all young adults.
young adult kick off party!! sat, 9/15, 6:00pm; kevin chan’s home in pasadena
let’s hang out together as we start the new church year. get a preview of what’s happenin’ this coming year and the many available opportunities to connect with others and grow in faith. rsvp here so enough goodies are provided. thanks!
check out our calendar for other young adult events and community groups.
new to fcbcla? we’d like to meet you or connect with you. drop us a line: ps. john chow or min. casey young.
1.12.2018 | news and updates
fcbcla mission expo
Next sunday, 1/21, from 12:00-2:00 pm, mpb, will be the 2018 fcbcla mission expo. during the expo, attendees will have the opportunity to hear from mission organizations and mission teams and also get more detailed information at each mission organization or team booth. Some of the organizations and teams are: International Mission Board (IMB), OMF, e3 Partners, Perspectives (Frontiers), Disaster Relief Ministry of the CA So. Baptist Convention, FCBCLA Amor Teams, FCBCLA Thailand, and several others…. free lunch is available to those in attendance but a rsvp is required. rsvp here by 1/14.
also, a representative from e3 Partners for India (and current FCBCLA members) will be sharing and speaking about the e3 Partners organization and the upcoming India trip at the adult sunday school assembly next sunday, 1/21, 9am-10:15am, life center 205-206. those who are curious or have been considering a short-term mission trip to India should attend this informative assembly.
amor house building trips — 1/21 is the last day to register for the february trip!
obey Jesus and be on ya.commission! we have two trips lined up: fri-mon (pres. weekend), feb 16-19, 2018, and sat-tue, mar 24-27, 2018. you can do this! choose to do this! click on the dates listed to register or get more info here.
lay counseling: a biblical approach
sat, 2/3, 9:30 am – 12:30 pm, praise center. a workshop presented by dr. siang yang tan (of fec-glendale and fuller seminary) to educate and train on biblically-based care ministries and lay counseling. strongly recommended for youth and camp counselors. rsvp at tinyurl.com/rsvp4workshop. contact rachel.chew@att.net or johnchow@fcbc.org with questions.
valentine’s day dinner
sat, 2/10, 6:00-8:30 pm, praise center. join us for a night shared between singles, those courting, and married couples. it’s a great opportunity to fellowship regardless of life stage but also to learn about developing healthy relationships. ticket sales to come soon.
ya.communion life groups
our life groups are open to young adults at any point of the year. be part of the ya.community in smaller, intimate settings. gatherings include dinner, a bible study on figures in the bible, and prayer. to receive more info or to join a life group, check out our neighborhood offerings here.
12.01.2017 | news and updates
ya.communion life groups
our life groups are open to young adults at any point of the year. be part of the ya.community in smaller, intimate settings. gatherings include dinner, a bible study on figures in the bible, and prayer. to receive more info or to join a life group, check out our neighborhood offerings here.
fcbcla food drive
“The food drive ends THIS SUNDAY! We’re 65% of the way to our goal with a few days left! Go grab some cans and bless those in need!” — kristina yano. she said it. let’s do it.
amor house building trips — registration is open! request these days off from work!
obey Jesus and be on ya.commission! we have two trips lined up: fri-mon (pres. weekend), feb 16-19, 2018,
and sat-tue, mar 24-27, 2018. you can do this! choose to do this! click on the dates listed to register or get more info here.
mark your calendars! we have a ton of stuff lined up in the coming months.
dec 24 christmas eve morning worship (no ya sunday classes this day)
dec 26-29 chinese mission conference (ontario, ca)
jan 21 (sun) fcbcla mission expo (fcbcla, mpb)
feb 3 (sat) lay counseling seminar (fcbcla, praise center)
feb (date tbd) musical praise night
feb (date tbd) young adult pop-up
feb 16-19 amor house building trip #1
mar 24-27 amor house building trip #2
mar 30 good friday
apr 1 easter
may 25-28 (fri-mon; memorial day) young adult/college camp
**if you want to serve and be part of the planning for any of these events, please drop john a line. he’d love to get your help and involvement!
10.13.2017 | news and updates
get connected! ya.communion life groups—this week!
it’s not too late—it’s never late—to join our weeknight life groups. details are available here. be part of the church community.
ladies’ praise night | sat, oct 14. 6:00 pm, fcbcla praise center
young adult women, join many others for a night of fellowship, praise and worship. hear melinda cheng share about faith and family and God’s life lessons. facebook event here. rsvp here.
update on our friend and brother in Christ, tommy kwan
for the last few years, tommy has been battling a recurrence of cancer. it has recently been discovered that the cancer has spread to other parts of his body. with complete peace of mind and faith in God, both he and his wife, ruby, have decided they will not seek further treatment. he currently is at home receiving hospice care. please pray for tommy, ruby and their son, noah, as they enter this next phase.
currently, tommy is very weak. because tommy and ruby are well-known and well-loved, it has been exhausting and difficult to accommodate every well-intended visitor. at the request of the family, please follow these guidelines if you wish to visit: a) you must receive email permission to visit, b) visit only if you have an established and on-going relationship with tommy & ruby, c) limit yourself to one visit, and you may not bring unexpected visitors with you. in lieu of a personal visit, please consider sending a thoughtful card or email. they would deeply appreciate this.
throughout this round of cancer (as well as throughout his first round) he’s been proclaiming the salvation we have in Jesus Christ and the faith he has in God. he’s done this in large settings (like worship services), in smaller settings (like in his sunday small group), and with anyone he’s had a personal conversation. regularly, tommy would send out updates on his life, his thoughts, and his fight with cancer. with his permission here is his last entry, appropriately titled, “v is for victory“.
houston, we have lift-off! [a note from pastor john]
i’ll be in houston, tx, for two weeks (10/14-10/29). i welcome your prayers …[finish the rest]
chinese mission convention | tue-fri, dec 26-29, 2017 | ontario convention center
fcbcla is endorsing this mission convention and we want you to go. for this special low discount (only for fcbcla members and regular attendees) it includes registration, meals, hotel housing, and bus transportation. you can’t beat this deal! go here for details and sign up before the deadline, nov 5.
9.13.2017 | news you can use!
ya.sunday classes | 9:00-10:15 am. life center – 3rd floor
did you miss our assembly last sunday? fear not! you can find out all the class offerings here.
all classes and small groups begin sunday, sep 17. you may attend classes offered by both young adult and adult departments. no auditing or sampling of classes.
3rd wednesday! young adult home prayer gathering | sep 20. 7:45-9:15 pm
gerry + suzie gee’s home in mpk (a shoes-off home; message john for address). simple dinner provided 7:00-7:45 pm
join us for the last home prayer gathering for the summer. we’ll celebrate God’s goodness, provision, answered prayers, and will continue to seek his heart and his ways.
breaking news — you can attend the cmc for only $100!
chinese mission convention | tue-fri, dec 26-29, 2017 | ontario convention center
fcbcla is endorsing this mission convention and we want you to go. for this special low discount (only for fcbcla members and regular attendees) it includes registration, meals, hotel housing, and bus transportation. you can’t beat this deal! go here for details and sign up before the deadline, nov 5.
get connected – ya.communion small groups!
we’re praying and planning and getting ready for the new season of small groups! stay tuned for updates. in the meantime, you can see where we’ll be having communion small groups.
ladies’ praise night | sat, oct 14. 6:00 pm, fcbcla praise center
it’s the quarterly gathering of women who love God and want to praise him.
it’s free to attend and light refreshments will be provided. childcare for young babies and infants available. woohoo!
sign up here. want to help? contact celia kumprapoon.
women! seeking a mentor or discipler who will walk with you through these young adult years? then we can connect you with one. submit your name here or contact kylie liu, suzie gee or charissa hua for more details or questions.
7.13.2017 — check out what’s coming up in our young adult ministry
register for young adult + college camp! the early bird deadline is this saturday, 7/15! don’t delay! fri-sun, aug 11-13, cal-poly pomona university. our theme is “is it worth it?” and our speaker is pastor garrett ho. given the cultural environment and the political time in which we live, is having a Christian faith of any value? we’ll take on this issue and many others. join us for learning, fellowship, and spiritual renewal. early bird registration is open, 6/7 – 7/15, $140. regular registration is 7/17 – 7/30, $150. the absolute last day to register is 7/30 — no exceptions. register here: young adult college camp 2017. Parents with young children are welcomed!
3rd wednesday! young adult home prayer gathering, july 19! come out to hear from aaron & jennifer fung and elliott lee as they share about their lives as missionaries, and we continue praying for other young adult missionaries. Gerry & Suzie Gee’s home in MPK (a shoes-off home; message john for address), 7:45-9:15pm. a simple dinner is provided from 7:00-7:45pm.
the fcbc annual backpack drive is on! this year’s drive is to bless our neighbor, castelar elementary. take advantage of amazon prime deals and purchase those school supplies that our students need. it’s cool to be a blessing. details here.
movie nights at the park! next movie, how to train your dragon 2, on sat, july 29, 7:30pm. we had a fun night and great turn out a few week ago for the first showing. be part of our chinatown community and support this event simply by attending. want to help? contact casey young.
6.16.2017 ministry update here’s some news for our young adult community.
happy father’s day to the dads in our department! have a great day of celebration and appreciation! young adult sunday classes are cancelled this day, sunday, jun 18. take dad to breakfast then join him for worship!
3rd wednesday! young adult home prayer gathering this week, jun 21. the church needs your prayer. people need your prayer. you need to receive prayer. join us for an intimate time of prayer in a home environment. light dinner provided from 7-7:45 pm. **this wednesday, we’ll hear from katie wong before she leaves for mission work in japan. be part of her mission trip. 7:45-9:15 pm, gerry & suzie gee’s home in mpk (a shoes-off home). contact john chow for the address.
young adult sunday classes summer electives. one new class is being offered from the young adult department while there are many classes offered by the adult department.
–crazy busy (by kevin deyoung) book study and discussion. are you one who’s frequently saying, “i’m so busy.” well, why? and what affect does busyness have on you spiritually? sundays, life center 305, 9:00-10:15am. john chow.
–make church great again. thelma tong, life center 201.
–learning to live wisely. chris tomokiyo, life center 202-203.
–strong fathers, strong daughters/strong mothers, strong songs. glen quon, life center 204.
–men’s bible study: biblical manhood. byron cheng. life center 207.
–women’s bible study: real women of the Bible. becky tomokiyo. life center 205-206.
for full details of these offering from the adult department, click here.
registration is open for young adult + college camp! yessir! the weekend is fri-sun, aug 11-13, and we’re at cal-poly pomona university. our theme is “is it worth it?” given the cultural environment and the political time in which we live, is having a Christian faith of any value? we’ll take on this issue and many others. join us for learning, fellowship, and spiritual renewal. early bird registration is open, 6/7 – 7/15, $140. regular registration is 7/17 – 7/30, $150. the absolute last day to register is 7/30 — no exceptions. register here: young adult college camp 2017
convergence small groups continues to keep the door open for you. not in a group? then come on in…and bring a young adult friend! every other week, feb-aug 2017 | dinner + study + prayer begin at 7pm. | three locations. get the specs at the communion small group page.
convergence small groups. our season of small groups has begun! we gave our house-hosts and group leaders a short break before starting again but groups are back! each location is open for all at every meeting. so if you didn’t make any of the earlier gatherings, no problem! the door is always open for you to join. come on in…and bring a young adult friend! every other week, feb-aug 2017 | dinner + study + prayer begin at 7pm. | three locations. get the specs at the communion small group page.
amor house-building trips. our february team is set. there are 23 members total, and we’re ready to build for Christ in mexico. though we’ve had these trips for many years, please join us by praying with the team at the church prayer gathering on wed, 2/15. team members in attendance would love to receive your blessing. given the political positions in our nation regarding immigration and mexico, i’m really glad our teams are going. the love of Christ and the gospel message transcends political walls and racist attitudes, and as followers of Jesus, we’re mandated to care for the poor and those in need. there is still time and space for you to join our march 25-28 trip. chinese new year events in chinatown los angeles. happy lunar new year! the annual cny events will occur these next two weekends. the dragon parade is sat, 2/4, 1-4pm. the firecracker bike ride is sat, 2/11, 8am-12pm. the firecracker kiddie run and 5/10k runs are sun, 2/12, 8am-12pm. if you’re volunteering or participating, have a great time and fun experience! thanks for supporting the community! if you’re coming to church on these days, anticipate road closures and limited street parking. give yourself some extra time arriving and finding parking. valentine’s day dinner — for couples and singles. young adult ministry and joy ministry (age 35-55) are combining for a love-feast! it’s sat, 2/11, 5:30-8:30 pm, in the praise center. have a great meal and hear from a panel of adult couples who will share how they’ve grown in faith in God and love for their spouses through their life journeys and marriages. those dating, married, or single are all welcomed. childcare is available. tickets on sale ($7 for adults, $3 for children) in the worship center courtyard before and after english service. sign-up on-line but a place-setting is not confirmed until a ticket(s) is purchased. pre-engagement counseling is now available. yup, you read that right. for those who are entering dating or have been courting, and you’re seeking some guidance or confirmation before the big decision, consider pre-engagement counseling with pastor john. while pre-marital counseling is still available (in advance of the marriage), pre-engagement counseling provides the couple a chance to find out more about their partner and address issues in the relationship without the pressure of the engagement, wedding, or marriage. Once that engagement ring is put on, it’s a lot harder to slow down, turn back, or end the relationship. Pre-engagement counseling allows a couple to thoughtfully and prayerfully consider the future together and evaluate the relationship before “popping the question” and entering the significant commitment of marriage. drop john a line if you’re interested or have questions. 12.05.2016 news ¡amor house-building trip registration is open! just say “si” to this opportunity to be hands and feet of the good news. we have two trips lined up: feb 17-20 (president’s holiday, fri-mon), and mar 25-28 (sat-tue). go to our faqs page or contact john chow or kevin leong if you have questions. 3rd wednesday—young adults pray! join the church as we pray together. your time is limited but the prayer is needed, so join other young adults on this one wednesday of the month to seek God’s face and the work of His hands. 12/21, 7:45-9:15 pm, h/truth 204. sunday bible classes. two notable calendar issues: 1) no young adult sunday classes on Christmas, 12/25, 9:00-10:15 am. refreshments for the church will be offered from 10:00-10:45 am before worship. 2) no young adult sunday classes on New Year’s day (1/1, 9:00-10:15 am) unless provided by your teacher/instructor. no church refreshments offered. worship will still occur on both these days. invite a relative or friend! praise night!! hallelujah!! (sat, 1/21/2017, 7:00-9:00pm) a joint event for youth, college, and young adults but all are welcome. come and join a united time of worship and praise to God! young adult women’s mentoring ministry. women, this is for you! as you are experiencing young adult life, do it with a mentor. have someone who will support you, encourage you, and pray for you. we have many mentors who have just graduated from the young adult life, and have come out as godly but imperfect women relying on the grace of God. sign up at ya.women.mentoring. 11.07.2016 news come this wed, 11/9, (7:00 pm) to espm, to see the movie, “The Insanity of God.” this movie is not in theaters yet (summer 2017) but we have an exclusive showing. the film is about a couple who experience the loss of their child, and then oversees, come under severe persecution. it asks the hard question, “how does God allow this to happen?” the movie is a simulcast and will begin punctually at 7:00 pm. join us in the hall of truth, 205. come early for snacks. a description of the film can be found at www.insanityofgodmovie.com. our annual college & young adult thanksgiving dinner is back! wed, 11/23, 7:00-9:30 pm. come for great food and delicious company. let’s kick the holiday season off in a grand way. catch up with people you’ve not seen in some time. dinner is only $5 but first-time friends to fcbc and absent friends eat for free! please rsvp as a courtesy to all those preparing. let us know you’re coming at cyathxdinner. thank you, jimmy xie and angela wu and all those who hosted alpine rec center’s halloween event on 10/29! you helped make it a successful afternoon and great time for the neighborhood kids. way to represent fcbc.la by being a good and helpful neighbor! connections small group! get connected. our study is going great, and the group time is even better! each week is open for you to join. groups are on different schedules so please contact johnchow@fcbc.org for locations and meeting times. you can find some details at ya.communion. young adult women’s mentoring ministry. women, this is for you! as you are experiencing young adult life, do it with a mentor. have someone who will support you, encourage you, and pray for you. we have many mentors who have just graduated from the young adult life, and have come out as godly but imperfect women relying on the grace of God. sign up at ya.women.mentoring. [back to young adult ministry home page]