God’s Word calls us to “always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have” (1 Peter 3:15, NIV) — especially in these days of uncertainty. We are providing you with some personal evangelism resources designed to help you do just that.
- Evangelistic Messages
- Testimonies
- Gospel Presentation / Tracts
- Training
Listen to Christy’s story how God brought healing to her mother and to her family’s relationship
Larry prayed that his father’s heart would be open to God. Hear the story about his father that made international news.
Practical Tools for Evangelism – Dr. Jeff Iorg
The longer we are Christians, the fewer non-Christian friends we have. This workshop will help you to expand your network with non-Christians and develop simple ways to have gospel conversations with friends and family members. You will learn proven techniques for clearly sharing the gospel in a timely manner. Click here
3 Circles
by GoFamily Church